. >> and that is the reverend janice hill, pastor at first christian church in parkersburg, west virginialed to d.c. earlier this week to talk about the health care bill with their senator, shelley moore capato. pastor hill joining me right now. with a welcome to you, ma'am. i heard you say your daughter would not be alive if it weren't for the affordable care act. can you explain that? >> well, i can. she is fully insured through her wonderful company but before the affordable care act, all which is really the patient protection and affordable care act, there were caps. and she went over the cap within seven months. she had $1.2 million in medical bills. so the cap really allowed her to continue to receive treatment that is saving her life. >> i was going to ask you how she's doing now. >> she's doing well. she's doing everything that she does is experimental because it's a very rare cancer. and we just are doing our best and she's a fighter and we're just hanging in there. >> all right. well, i'm glad to hear that so far. i'm curious about the rest of your inner action there with the se