alija, carlinovic, klug, cartoveras, noto sarajevo, parle, priador, rogagitca, plesinica, and sfornic. beginning in march, 1992, serb forces and bosnian serb political and governmental organs attacked and took control of towns andville lamgs in these municipalities. most of the takeovers were carried out during 1992, but they continued thereafter. the enclave of srebrenica was taken over in july of 1995. during and after the takeovers until the 30th of november, 1995, serb forces and bosnian serb political and governmental organs carried out peres cacts bosnian muslims and croats. these acts included the implementation of descriptive and discriminatory measures, arbitrary searches, arbitrary arrests, and unlawful detention, forced labor, harassment, torture, rain and other acts of sexual violence, killing, destruction of houses, cultural monuments, and sacred sites, and plunder of property. these forced the croats to flee the municipalities in fear. others were physically driven out. counts four, five, and six, extermination and murder as crimes against humanity and violations of the