parlow therefore finding it hard to relax which is crucial for achieving an erection once the brain detects an erotic stimulus that causes nerves to relax the muscles in the painters this causes the blood vessels to dilate and the erectile tissue to fill with blood. of the same time the blood flow slows down the penis becomes erect. in order to have a reliable erection and a fulfilled love life again thomas started looking for help on the internet as do many men. but half of all drugs available online a counterfeit that's according to an investigation by german pharmacists a major health risk for customers who avoid going to the doctor and pharmacist to embarrass them and or because they can't afford the prescriptions. there's no such thing as a good counterfeit there's no standardized or regulation but there are 2 kinds of fakes to watch out for. some of them are similar to the original buy and contain the meds but often in smaller doses so you would expect a smaller effect. but other counterfeits made say in someone's garage where they even might have paint mixed in with them and a potent