thank you. >> but parro has seen his share of violence at corcoran. when he arrived, he was determined to avoid trouble, but he was told by other inmates he would eventually be tested and if he didn't fight back his time here would be a lot worse. >> so i fought. and that was pretty much the first fight i've ever been in in my life. i couldn't walk very well for about three or four weeks. i had black eyes for about six weeks. i thought it was hell. and it was. you eventually just start living. you start doing all these activities. you wash your clothes. you make the ritual of having coffee just like you did out there, you know? you don't have the option to go to starbucks. you get folgers out of the canteen and make whatever you can make. i think one of the interesting things that i kind of woke up to was that that's what life is. here or elsewhere. so you better get something out of it. so if i can actually enjoy making coffee here in corcoran surrounded by a lot of loud people and a lot of other discomforts, then i'm going to come out a lot better f