partum webley want to do is to free doctors, patients, hospitals to make decisions based on what is best for patient care and that is the whole idea behind mayo. that is the whole idea behind the cleveland clinic. i am going to be visiting your hometown's mall to go to the cleveland clinic, to show why their system works so well in part of the reason it works well is because they have set up a system where patient care is the number one concern, not bureaucracy, what forms have to be filled up, what do we get reimbursed for. those are changes i think the american people want to see. [inaudible] >> you know, i would be happy to abide by the same benefit package. i will be honest with you. i am the president of the united states so i have a doctor following me every minute, which is why i say this is not about me. i have got the best health care in the world. i am trying to make sure that everybody has good health care and they don't right now. lynn sweet. [laughter] i said steve, but he just stood up. that is not fair. shame on you. gideon there real quick. >> i appreciate that. you cited