, would it be similar to the fashionable surrealism, or even that paryzh?what they do , working as pears, then as a painter, happy is the one who spends time on free creative work, who is in good health and without pain in the future, who does not pay trade your time for a penny of bread , crawling around in my closet, hungry masters go to bed and get into trouble... a lot of flaming landscapes, a lot of deserts, pestilence, undesirable kanstruktsy pabudovs. dze i, pranosilsya in the galava torture, where they brought me, and adnekul yon atrymliva adkaz. i ’ll spend a month in the city of tryvezh. the parrot was able to explore the insides of these elements and reveal what the new cassettes and charms are. all the popular saints are clear, right? on saturn, this sign is on the skylight, stands on the other side of the ring, and when you go further, the space is hidden, and the entire martian desert with quarries. as it turned out, martians are different, the forefathers of one race are short and round-headed, the other are medium-sized, and the third are th