i mean, duchamp and becoming the preparator at pasadena museum? i mean, this was a dream come true for me. joe goode: well, it's hard to explain, but working for walter hopps is a different way of working. glicksman: we would work all night and all day. where's walter? where's walter? where is walter? finally, at 5:30 or 6 in the evening, he would come in and says, "well, let's get to work," you know. then he would stand there like this and say, "i want a wall here." so, the next time he came, there would have to be a wall there all built, finished, painted, ready to go when he came back the next-- 6:00 the next evening. james eller: i used to work at the museum helping out, making a few extra bucks to maintain myself and my art. when we put together the large glass there, no one seemed to know how to put that thing together. and i just identified with it and i just dove into it and put it all together and i was thrilled just to be involved with the show and just get to know all of his work. it really affected me deeply. drohojowska-philp: what's