pascal lamy, who is the expert i suppose on trade issues — head of the wto, once european commissionert it is impossible in the event of the uk and eu deal, that you have to have a physical border if there is no agreement on the withdrawal terms, and i think he's a person who, you know, is eminently placed to be able to indicate some of this... there are others, though, who say there are other ways of doing the checks, and we know that both the british government and the irish government have said they do not want to put back any form of physical checks. are you suggesting that even if there were a camera on a road, bya road, that that could see a re—emergence of violence? yeah, well, ithink, you know, rather than think of violence as we did in the past, sarah, i think you could take it that if there was any kind of physical customs checks put along the border, that you wouldn't have to be waiting for paramilitary groups to remove them, the local people in the border area just wouldn't allow it, and you know where that leads, then security people are dragged into it. the view of people