at pasechnikov, where people are responsible for their final result, except for an outstanding professorhthalmology. i don't know any of the first manufacturer. if you come to the store, you understand that honey should be all of a different color, if, for example, there are 100 jars of the same color of the same consistency, you should already be alerted by this liquid, and this liquid . this year it should still be liquid honey, a skating rink, some 2-3 months have passed. it should already crystallize. anyway. this basic property must necessarily be produced in less than a month. it should be liquid, if more than two have passed it should be solid all claims that you can edit on the manufacturer, here's what i can add from my experience it always surprises, when we are offered this honey for the heart, this honey for the soul, and this honey for men. and this is for women. just don’t mix it up, please, this, of course, is a terrible problem. there is a lot of honey, unfortunately, not of very good quality. here is our caucasian honey. yes, if you take honey in combs, and you definitel