, and then jaune dark suddenly appeared, you have no doubt that this is not pasha stroganova, who playsa game, it’s really work, it’s here and it’s also incredible because it seems so simple, just think, she played one, played another, and she played this girl and suddenly she played joan of arc, she does it like that light, so...' simple that every time it’s like some kind of thin ligature, it ’s just some kind of filigree, i don’t know, medieval quality, yes, then they used watches, pricked fingers, blood and so on, and from this it turns out , something embroidered with gold, incredibly beautiful, and this is also, of course, a reason to watch this film, but also something that maybe we haven’t said enough about, humor, how panfilov was given... here, again , to talk about everything , well, quite easily, but about absoluteness, a very spectator film, then yes, it is not particularly difficult, yes, this is not some kind of festival film, which you need to immerse yourself in in order to understand the director’s deep intentions, it is deep, but at the same time he does not scare him