i was like, pasquale! pasquale! oh, my god, it's pasquale!u know, i knew that if i heard his voice that even if he was missing an arm or a leg, that he was alive. and when he finally did come home that night, it was a long day and just being there waiting in the driveway, you know, people were still over at the house and i couldn't wait to touch him and feel him and, you know, make sure it was really you and that you were really home. i mean, it was -- it was a nightmare that turned into, for us, anyway, you know, it ended him coming home, what we dealt with after that is another story. >> hard. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> pasquale, you tell your story now. why did you wait so long? >> i feel like i can tell the story now. i did tell the story then on, you know, small local type things. everybody said, you have to tell you story, you have to tell your story, it's amazing. it was difficult telling the story then. the emotions, and they still are but they were much more -- very raw then. and now i'm able to deal with it. i'm able to, you know, be happ