people of that land, this is a war between evil ideologies and good in the global side, the people of passaand. however, the people of haz were giving two choices, surrender evil or fight for your life, and we know over 350 days that the people of gazza has chosen to live and die in dignity. people of kha know that the cost of surrendering is much worse than the cost of fighting back, they know, they know that the destruction of their homes, the destruction of their churches and masks, the elimination of their children and women is now as worse as the swipping of dignity, the destruction of their homeland and the surrender. to european and american imperialism, they know that israel is a temporary problem in our area, they know that if they surrender now, their problem will last forever, however if they fight now, they will seek freedom in the next generation. we we talk about european and american support to this sitler colonial project, this genocidal regime, this project that aims illuminate the natives of that region and in that home land of palestine, we have to understand that as ment