passide charlie hvaay o powers ufothcknd rangs stke first u2-0.====== few conds later.. a stl.. e ss tjoe coud rangers. ==== now up 6-3, t ck the other wa. chase e ge ubleletheir r ts and ties ==== now it's 1 16 sam straraurger@t@ knkn in the floater to me it 12-6.. and the end... lewis palmer runs away with h is one 77-56... they will face vivia ridge here's a look at some of our other scores.. in thth5-a ranks.. palmer was on the ro tonight taking cherokee trail.. unforntuately, the terrors end theiseason here as they fall 78-67., ==== the same result for liberty.. number o seeded overland moves into theheweet 16 as they beat the lancers 64532. here's a look at the 4 sweet 16 games... vista ridge beat golden 526.. again, they take on lewis palmer. ==== a tough game and loss for pueblo south as the coltsdrhis one inds 661 == pulo walso on thrdwood to ty sted duran and in e..henes win is 541. ey nexexpl the sandreedptiourcoinketodaagnst ra ==== 'lpickt in 3rd qrt.scorup 2....iana squis.. 3 ba corner r cket- got it!.. scorpions up 34-29. . ==== little later, sa score.. leah davis