to that end i hired a private engineer, pat buscovich who i have paid extensively to i'd have to say baby-sit this project through the process. in the process we found a number of inconsistencies with the foundation, with this and that. they've been addressed all except for the five story issue and the issue of them now abutting right up against my house and my downhill neighbor and i have several neighbors supporting me in this. i'm not the only person frustrated, but i am the person we have sent to speak. right now they have a eight-foot fill retaining wall. you're only allowed to fill three feet without a variance. the planning department said it's the building department problem. the building department says it's a planning department problem. so we have ping-pong going on here where no one is taking responsibility. we have five floors of wood frame construction. they do not meet the criterion mathematically to turn it into a basement from a floor. it was always a floor.