my name is pat buskovitz. a status update on a case you saw a year or two ago, i thought it was a year, but now almost two years ago. it was a roof deck and a stair tower, two-story stair tower built on clayton street. at that time the project sponsor asked for more time, working with planning. i think it's almost two years. you gave them six months. did not get anything done. your staff, i want to commend your staff, sent it to recordation, still nothing. planning has got it. planning can't tell me what's going on, but it's obvious a level of frustration they have with grossly inadequate plans. i expect planning to eventually say we are done and reject the permits. my clients, i did not even know there were fire issues here, is totally frustrated. the fire department has been out at least once. the guy has a barbecue on his roof, on a roof that's not legal, and at best case it was an unattended barbecue on a redwood roof deck. this is not epay, this was redwood, abandoned fire, no one is there, my client is l