i'm sure all of you being readers are familiar with pat conroy, and he has the biggest heart in the world and he is a guy who when he's not writing he's running around trying to fix the world because he's such a compassionate guy and he reviewed it and said it was written with compassion and that was very important to me because i wanted it to be a book that regardless of what you're political affiliation was or if you were liberal or conservative that it would connect with your funny bone and your heart strings so thank you for that. terms of the budget, i tell you, the thing that absolutely blew our mind, and i'm sort of amazed we were so stupid that we didn't know this, we thought lowercase we just eat ramen noodles and water we can pull this off. we are not consuming any more but it isn't consumption that is so expensive. once you buy a home and own a couple of cars we live a pretty simple life, but homeowners insurance and car insurance and health insurance and prescription drugs and repair and vet bills, we don't even have kids, so i can't imagine the stress. in terms of trying to l