. >> wceisarrive in e atel ng t resanhyo,an thym eaicis-8 that is where pat landers took the shot of the city from the distance. there's a new stamp commemorating earth day put out by no luck. here it is. >> that it matches from a fluid dynamics lab. lewis of high clouds indicating that we do have a weather system out to the west. there is interesting developments expected later in the weekend. a very wet pattern. >> here's the first arm. >> 50% of the days. only about 60 percent of normal rain. which makes this the driest spring and 17 years. >> we have some nice springlike weather on the way. >> and forecast approach 2 in.. the spread among all of them that the average to come up with is from as little as four tenths of an inch. this is a big deal. those are huge numbers. we'll show it to you in just a moment. not a drop of rain within hundreds of miles. >> the wind is blowing in at about 7 mi. per hour. feels like it is 38 degrees up there. >> the big story will be the changing weather in the next couple of days. he conceded radar plots of these range out to the west of us. they c