. >> reporter: when he wasn't leading comebacks as quarterback of "the bravest," pat lyons was part of elite unit sent to rescue other firefighters and it was a mayday call that sent him racing into the north tower. as it fell, his wife got the worst news of her life. >> and i don't know if it was because i was pregnant, or in shock, but i dropped the phone and i just went hysterical crying. >> reporter: a few weeks later, she gave birth to their first child, a boy named for the father he'd never meet. and if you ever wonder how family like this can survive such loss, just listen to this. >> dear dad, i just missed meeting you. you died on september 11th, 2001, and i was born 26 days later on october 7th. >> smart child. >> i want you to know that mommy is doing a great job of loving me and raising me in a happy home. every september 11th we go to your firehouse, squad 252, for a mass. we get to eat lots of donuts and see the fire truck. i see it every year and every year, i think it's so cool. i think it is really cool that you were such a brave firefighter and that you died saving lo