and i'll bring in an important character, senator pat mccarron, who is one of the ardent restrictionists in u.s. political history, and he played a key role in shaping the displaced persons act. he was in dialogue with a lot of people who believed that this potential inclusion of refugees would be a way of getting around the national origins act and were skeptical of the fact that it could in effect bust or open up the united states to lots of people from southern and eastern europe who had been excluded. here senator william revercum, democrat of west virginia in 1948 -- we could solve this whole displaced persons problem. he stated, "all right, if we could simply work out a way and a bill that would keep out those jews." swear to god. this is the desire to maintain a refugee policy that excludes jews that excludes eastern and southern europeans was at the forefront of public discussion. so, pat mccarron, he uses the displaced persons law to create a very elaborate set of screening procedures. among them asking your political history, you know, who do you support, what work have you don