who would have thought that pat roberterson would support the idea. roberterson who during one of worst tornadoes in years said this. god didn't send the tornadoes. god set up a world in which certain currents interfere and interact with other currents. if enough people were praying, he would intervene. he is now intervening on the case for legalizing marijuana. >> the kings little hero when i said we ought to decriminalize the possession of marijuana. i think it's shocking how many of these young people wind up in prison and get turned into hard core criminals because they have a possession of a very small amount of controlled substance. the whole thing is crazy. >> barbara lee is a democrat from california. last summer she joined ron paul and barley frank in cosponing a bill that would allow states to legalize marijuana. >> good afternoon. >> i want to talk about some encouraging news on the economy, but i wonder if i could get your response for pat roberterson. have we reached a tipping point? >> he's right. i'm sure people in california especially