pat tillman left the arizona cardinals and had a promising career and gave it up to join the u.s.riendly fire in afghanistan. other than that, i can't think of too many professional athletes that put on uniform. >> pat is a extraordinary case. you don't so that today. one of which there is no draft and in the piece we just saw. pat did it all himself and gave up money and life for something he felt strongly about. >> the military is a smaller force as a percentage of the population than in world war ii. john thorn said it well. we thought the country would go under if we didn't defeat theñr germans and japans and italians. you don't have that threat today? >> there are differences and there are conflicts going on. but it doesn't consume the national consciousness that it did back then. it is easier for people not only to not think about it but compelled and it is the right thing to do. >> we are mentioning that the athletes that make millions a year are doing things on behalf. military. >> absolutely. and that's how they show support for the military and through charity and events