. >> thank you, for your patcinece tao. >> so we are skipping 7 and 8 and maybe we can move to number 9 >>review and approval of draft resolution 2014-07-coe commending acting director david assmann for his service to the department of the environment, commission on the environment, and to the city and county of san francisco. (explanatory document: draft resolution) sponsor and speaker: commission president joshua arce (5 minutes) (discussion and action) >> in your packet is a copy and the commission, joshua acre and this is a discussion item. >> thanks, and i feel like it was, a long time ago that we had a big sigh of relief, because we thought, oh, we well have got david until june, or july. and you know? and well it is like we have a lot of time. and we can get a lot of stuff done. and we have got a lot of stuff done. we did a national search to find our new director and we are all excited about that. june second. and we got a chance to spend a lot of time with david during that and it was great. and we got to talk about birding. and i found out that there is not a bird that you c