to come up with that patentrol term. they're being used to fundamentally change our patent system, again, in order to diminish and damage the rights of small inventors. well, they can't say that, that that's their purpose, so they have to come up with a scary word like patentrol. these so-called patentrols are holders -- are patent holders or they are companies which represent patent holders. meaning people who own patents. they are engaged in defending the rights of those patents that they own. they either -- they purchase these patents or their companies purchase these patents. basically from small inventors who didn't have the resources to defend and to enforce their own patent rights. now these small inventors are now the partners of some of these companies or some of these individual investors, but it comes down to this, the inventor or the investor owns those patents. if you buy a piece of land or a participant from someone, you have that right. these patents that they own are just like any other patent granted by