. >> i know patreo hill is involved. they are very good. >> thank you, adam. >> thank you very much, and i hope you get to go home at a reasonable hour this evening. >> we previously heard item number eight, so we are now on item number nine, directors report. >> welcome. i am going to move into our director's report. i will provide an overview of key activities that have taken place throughout the month and provide an update in terms of legislation the commission has hureard. any policy matters before the commission are ongoing policies and then have updates, so just to let you know, last month i mentioned the office along with a commission of small business california posted a workshop to educate businesses, and commissioner reilly attended, so i am going to let you provide a much more detailed report, but it was well attended and lots of fun. small business week is coming up. this year we are not going to be promoting the area because of low participation. we are still going to be providing the sidewalk encroachment f