Dec 28, 2015
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ana patricia: excelente.n que es un niÑo que leen vuelven un aguacate no y dice aguacate si!!! ana patricia: ay! quÉ ternura! nosotros llegamos a media noche luis y yo y sus regalos estaban aquÍ porque santa tiene la direcciÓn de nuestro hogar y a luis se le ocurre darle los regalos y mi niÑa tiene 7 mes y medio, y tenÍa una emociÓn y eran las una dos de la maÑana y no se querÍa dormir y digo ¿en quÉ momento se me ocurriÓ darle el regalo? johnny: yo tengo dos nenes que no estaban en la cuna, pero estaban jugando. willy: seÑores hay momentos que una fiesta puede arruÑarlo todo y aquÍ le vamos a decir cÓmo lidiar con las situaciones. ana patricia: comenzamos la semana en que todos los papÁs de estados unidos podrÁn decir que estÁn orgullosos de sus hijos y adivinorÁs quiÉn es la mamÁ de esta bailarina? johnny: no puede perderse como el Ídolo boricua chayanne pasa las vacaciones en su isla! quÉ envidia! y como salma jallat hizo subir las temperatura!!! aquÍ en la casa mÁs feliz de la televisiÓn. "despierta amÉri
ana patricia: excelente.n que es un niÑo que leen vuelven un aguacate no y dice aguacate si!!! ana patricia: ay! quÉ ternura! nosotros llegamos a media noche luis y yo y sus regalos estaban aquÍ porque santa tiene la direcciÓn de nuestro hogar y a luis se le ocurre darle los regalos y mi niÑa tiene 7 mes y medio, y tenÍa una emociÓn y eran las una dos de la maÑana y no se querÍa dormir y digo ¿en quÉ momento se me ocurriÓ darle el regalo? johnny: yo tengo dos nenes que no estaban en...
Dec 18, 2015
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take 2boxes --- buenos das patricia... --- la primera pregunta es de patricia escorcia desde la ciudadr la ciudadana, quisiera saber si es posible que yo reciba mi ciudadana a travs de l sin tener que salir del pas, cunto tardara el proceso? --- take patricia live take 2boxes juanfra --- magdali desde la ciudad de san rafael nos dice que fue deportada en el 2008 intentando entrar al pas, ella quiere solicitar su licencia de conducir a travs de la ley ab60 pero dice que hay rumores de que cuando un indocumentado aplica por su licencia el dmv puede revisar su historial y deportarla es esto cierto? --- take patricia live take 2boxes juanfra --- martn desde la ciudad de vallejo quiere saber si hay posibilidad de que inmigracin le quite la --- martn desde la ciudad de vallejo quiere saber si hay posibilidad de que inmigracin le quite la ciudadana a una persona, en su caso l es ciudadano gracias a sus padres --- take patricia live take 2boxes juanfra recuerde que si tiene preguntas sobre la accin ejecutiva ... puede llamarnos al 408-944-4813 put placeholder here put placeholder hear cg/pregu
take 2boxes --- buenos das patricia... --- la primera pregunta es de patricia escorcia desde la ciudadr la ciudadana, quisiera saber si es posible que yo reciba mi ciudadana a travs de l sin tener que salir del pas, cunto tardara el proceso? --- take patricia live take 2boxes juanfra --- magdali desde la ciudad de san rafael nos dice que fue deportada en el 2008 intentando entrar al pas, ella quiere solicitar su licencia de conducir a travs de la ley ab60 pero dice que hay rumores de que cuando...
Dec 11, 2015
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juanfra facebook juanfra --- regresamos con patricia castorena, abogada de inmigracin.take 2boxes --- buenos das patricia... --- silvia cruz desde san jos dice lo siguiente.... mi esposo en el 2002 solicit aspoltico le fue negado pero recibi un permiso de trabajo temporalmente --- --- en el 2006 un abogado le pidi firmara una salida voluntaria, pero que no saliera del pas, en el 2007 tuvimos un hijo quien tiene una discapacidad visual... aplicamos nuevamente por algn tipo de visa humanitaria y nos negaron el caso --- --- hoy da ningn abogado quiere retomar nuestros casos hay algo que se pueda hacer? --- take patricia live take 2boxes juanfra --- martha nos escribe tambin desde san jos y dice lo siguiente.... tengo una hermana que fue deportada, ella haba aplicado por una visa "u" por ser vcitma de violencia domstica --- ---- hace unos meses estuvo involucrada en una agresin hacia otra persona que le falt el respeto y ella se defendi pegndole con un bate --- --- ella tiene un hijo ciudadano que cumplir 21 aÑos el aÑo entrante y forma parte de la fuerza area podra l solic
juanfra facebook juanfra --- regresamos con patricia castorena, abogada de inmigracin.take 2boxes --- buenos das patricia... --- silvia cruz desde san jos dice lo siguiente.... mi esposo en el 2002 solicit aspoltico le fue negado pero recibi un permiso de trabajo temporalmente --- --- en el 2006 un abogado le pidi firmara una salida voluntaria, pero que no saliera del pas, en el 2007 tuvimos un hijo quien tiene una discapacidad visual... aplicamos nuevamente por algn tipo de visa humanitaria y...
Dec 29, 2015
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reservation for patricia... patricias! this week's activities: wait a minute! has anyone seen patricia? i regret nothing. >>> a blues legend, a rocker haunted by his own demons, a gifted sportscaster, all gone too soon. tonight we continue our special look back at the stars we lost the thrill is gone >> people very feel very close to this show. it hits home. they can relate to it. >> i miss him. thrill is gone, baby >> i was not known before this film. i came from cairo, egypt. and this film made me known all over the world. >> that's what you are right here, in the heart. >> thank you for your appreciation during my fight. >> if you're going to do television television television. >> every day i am reminded that our life's journey is really about the people who touch us. >> the wonderful thing about the hillbillies is that it was the american dream. >> did you see the thing take >> what interview or piece are you most proud of? >> the piece i did in 1972 in vietnam. i think i'm more proud of even though it is tragic than anything else i've done since. >> there
reservation for patricia... patricias! this week's activities: wait a minute! has anyone seen patricia? i regret nothing. >>> a blues legend, a rocker haunted by his own demons, a gifted sportscaster, all gone too soon. tonight we continue our special look back at the stars we lost the thrill is gone >> people very feel very close to this show. it hits home. they can relate to it. >> i miss him. thrill is gone, baby >> i was not known before this film. i came from...
Dec 3, 2015
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patricia hurtado nos dice mÁs. patricia: estÁn en las listas navideÑas de este aÑo. nunca entrando en estos meses de fin de aÑo. patricia: con la asociaciÓn de productos electrÓnicos para consumidores, se espera que mÁs de 700 mil drones se vendan. hay de todos los precios y tamaÑos. para los que no se quieren gastar mucho, los drones pequeÑos empiezan desde los 39 $. >> tu lo elevas unos 100 pies y puedes mirar cÓmo estÁ tu barrio, mirar incluso la playa. los niÑos la disfruta mucho. patricia: para los padres, los expertos dicen que hay opciones seguras para los jÓvenes. >> tenemos los drones desde los 5 aÑos. patricia: hay que recordar que no se puede volar dondequiera y estÁn a punto de anunciar nuevas medidas. patricia hurtado, univisiÓn. julio: en estos tiempos de tecnologÍa y movilidad, una generaciÓn estÁ detrás de esto, la generaciÓn del milenio. antonio valverde nos explica. antonio: es una propuesta de medios de transporte, creada por jÓvenes. >> muchos de los profesionales jÓvenes viven en ciudades o quieran vivir sin carro, pero no hay una opciÓn para res
patricia hurtado nos dice mÁs. patricia: estÁn en las listas navideÑas de este aÑo. nunca entrando en estos meses de fin de aÑo. patricia: con la asociaciÓn de productos electrÓnicos para consumidores, se espera que mÁs de 700 mil drones se vendan. hay de todos los precios y tamaÑos. para los que no se quieren gastar mucho, los drones pequeÑos empiezan desde los 39 $. >> tu lo elevas unos 100 pies y puedes mirar cÓmo estÁ tu barrio, mirar incluso la playa. los niÑos la...
Dec 29, 2015
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patricia: sigo buscando trabajo para salir adelante.cientes atentados terroristas generan un gran despegue de seguridad. peggy: con gran entusiasmo, pero con mucha precauciÓn nueva york realiza los Últimos preparativos para su tradicional bienvenida del aÑo nuevo, con el descenso de la bola de cristal en tmes square, la medida de seguridad de la emblemÁtica plaza se han reforzado, tras la reciente advertencia de los servicios de inteligencia europeos, sobre posibles atentados con armas o explosivos en algunas ciudades del continente, antes de fin de aÑo. oficial: serÁ el sitio más protegido en el mundo entero, ahora puede haber un posible ataque en otros lugares, sÍ porque la policÍa no puede proteger a todos los lugares a la vez. peggy: recientes encuestas indican que mÁs estadounidenses creen que los terroristas estÁn ganando la guerra contra ellos. pocos confÍan en que el gobierno federal los defenderÍa contra un futuro ataque. >> es algo que estÁ a nivel mundial, hay un acuerdo entre los polÍticos de todos los paÍses para poder comb
patricia: sigo buscando trabajo para salir adelante.cientes atentados terroristas generan un gran despegue de seguridad. peggy: con gran entusiasmo, pero con mucha precauciÓn nueva york realiza los Últimos preparativos para su tradicional bienvenida del aÑo nuevo, con el descenso de la bola de cristal en tmes square, la medida de seguridad de la emblemÁtica plaza se han reforzado, tras la reciente advertencia de los servicios de inteligencia europeos, sobre posibles atentados con armas o...
Dec 25, 2015
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take patricia live take 2boxes lorena recuerde que accin ejecutiva ...aroba telemundo punto com cg/pregunta 1/ headline:viernes de inmigracin cg/pregunta 2/ adle:viernes de ingracin /pregunta 3headline:vines de iigracin email addrs liveug bump out lora --- tieo de la pae tenemos mucho ms para ustedes primera edicion...elemundo 48 take vo / lorena --- cuba tambin celebra la navidad... esto a pesar de que fidel castro elimin la fiesta de los calendarios en 1969, despus de la pausa le diremos qu cambi en la isla para que esto fuese una realidad --- take vo / juanfra --- siganos en nuestras redes sociales en facebook . diagonal... telemundo 48... en twitter estamos en "arroba" telemundo 48.. y en instagram bsquenos en telemundo 48, adems telemundo 28 est disponible para iphone, ipad y androir actuallaza o descargala gratis desde tu app store --- regálate la mejor red wireless. ahorra hasta 50% en los últimos smartphones android, como un samsung galaxy s6. sólo hasta diciembre 27. regálate la mejor red wireless. ahorra hasta 50% en los últimos smartphones and
take patricia live take 2boxes lorena recuerde que accin ejecutiva ...aroba telemundo punto com cg/pregunta 1/ headline:viernes de inmigracin cg/pregunta 2/ adle:viernes de ingracin /pregunta 3headline:vines de iigracin email addrs liveug bump out lora --- tieo de la pae tenemos mucho ms para ustedes primera edicion...elemundo 48 take vo / lorena --- cuba tambin celebra la navidad... esto a pesar de que fidel castro elimin la fiesta de los calendarios en 1969, despus de la pausa le diremos qu...
Dec 6, 2015
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estoy con patricia preciado. sÍ >>> cuÉnteme. que tipo de personas trabajan aquÍ ¿que hacen aquÍ? el centro regional, es un centro donde ayudan a familias y padres que tienen hijos con discapacidades. aÚn cuando los hijos ya alcanzan la mayorÍa de edad. ellos ayudan a esos individuos que tienen discapacidades a buscar trabajo. o para aquellos se puedan independizar de alguna manera. ellos este aÑo iban a patrocinar a mis hijos, para la navidad y les iban a dar regalos para esta navidad. >>> lo que pasÓ aquÍ. es que cambia la vida. no solo de las personas directamente afectadas si no a tanta gente verdad patricia. como a usted. ahora entramos en la Época navideÑa. >>> sÍ nada mÁs es... no lo puedo creer. no lo puedo creer... nunca hubiera pensado que alguien harÍa algo asi en un centro como este que... >>> gente buena. >>> que solo se dedican a ayudar a otros. >>> mÁs en una fiesta navideÑa. celebramos la llegada de jesucristo donde es momento de compartir y de celebrar. que esto haya pasado aquÍ. y que sea un act
estoy con patricia preciado. sÍ >>> cuÉnteme. que tipo de personas trabajan aquÍ ¿que hacen aquÍ? el centro regional, es un centro donde ayudan a familias y padres que tienen hijos con discapacidades. aÚn cuando los hijos ya alcanzan la mayorÍa de edad. ellos ayudan a esos individuos que tienen discapacidades a buscar trabajo. o para aquellos se puedan independizar de alguna manera. ellos este aÑo iban a patrocinar a mis hijos, para la navidad y les iban a dar regalos para esta...
Dec 18, 2015
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((patrick walker)) senator patricia farley says she believes adjourning and taking the time to get the amendments written is the right call... but she says she didn't expect to see an issue like this in the bill. ((sen. patricia farley/r-las vegas: "i am surprised, and i would have hoped that some of this would have been sorted out prior to getting here, but heck, this is the legislature, this is what happens, right?")) ((patrick walker/reporting: "some lawmakers have pushed their flights back until saturday in case the session runs long. we'll see how it all plays out. in carson city, outside the state capitol, patrick walker, 8 news now.")) will be back to work mid- morning. the assembly's bill... which covers workforce development... is expected to see a vote as well. /// ((sherry swensk)) > do or do not... there is no try when it comes to getting tickets for the new "star wars" flick. ((brian loftus)) "the force
((patrick walker)) senator patricia farley says she believes adjourning and taking the time to get the amendments written is the right call... but she says she didn't expect to see an issue like this in the bill. ((sen. patricia farley/r-las vegas: "i am surprised, and i would have hoped that some of this would have been sorted out prior to getting here, but heck, this is the legislature, this is what happens, right?")) ((patrick walker/reporting: "some lawmakers have pushed...
Dec 18, 2015
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((patrick walker)) senator patricia farley says she believes adjourning and taking the time to get the amendments written is the right call... but she says she didn't expect to see an issue like this in the bill. ((sen. patricia farley/r-las vegas: "i am surprised, and i would have hoped that some of this would have been sorted out prior to getting here, but heck, this is the legislature, this is what ((patrick walker/reporting: "some lawmakers have pushed saturday in case the session runs long. we'll see how it all plays out. in carson city, outside the state capitol, patrick walker, 8 news now.")) ((kirsten joyce)) lawmakers will be back to work mid- morning. the assembly's bill.. which covers workforce development.. in the morning. /// kirsten joyce > now let's turn it over to patranya in for demetria. brian loftus how are the roads looking this morning. < demetria obilor >
((patrick walker)) senator patricia farley says she believes adjourning and taking the time to get the amendments written is the right call... but she says she didn't expect to see an issue like this in the bill. ((sen. patricia farley/r-las vegas: "i am surprised, and i would have hoped that some of this would have been sorted out prior to getting here, but heck, this is the legislature, this is what ((patrick walker/reporting: "some lawmakers have pushed saturday in case the session...
Dec 2, 2015
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patricia hurtado. y su bebÉ que fue hallada sin vida. el sospechoso de este crimen es la ex pareja. julio cÉsar se encuentra en vivo desde la cÁrcel con más detalles. cuÉntanos que tienes. julio: buenas noches. nos encontramos donde se encuentra recluido el principal sospechoso de un doble homicidio ocurrido anoche. esta maÑana los oficiales de la fiscalÍa anunciaron que el cuerpo sin vida de la mujer y su hija de tres meses fue encontrado muerto en un paraje cerca del rÍo muy cerca de aquÍ. la policía tambiÉn indicÓ que el principal sospechoso de este hecho fue el seÑor ricardo carrillo santiago. anunciamos ayer en forma nociva que era uno de los principales sospechosos. colaborÓ con las autoridades, dijo que los habÍa asesinado y les mostrÓ donde habÍa dejado sus cuerpos. ricardo carrillo santiago es de origen mexicano. se encuentra recluido aquÍ en la prisiÓn. maÑana tendrÁ su primera audiencia frente a un juez que decidirÁ los cargos. hoy aquÍ recluido en esta penitenciarÍa tambiÉn supimos que ha i
patricia hurtado. y su bebÉ que fue hallada sin vida. el sospechoso de este crimen es la ex pareja. julio cÉsar se encuentra en vivo desde la cÁrcel con más detalles. cuÉntanos que tienes. julio: buenas noches. nos encontramos donde se encuentra recluido el principal sospechoso de un doble homicidio ocurrido anoche. esta maÑana los oficiales de la fiscalÍa anunciaron que el cuerpo sin vida de la mujer y su hija de tres meses fue encontrado muerto en un paraje cerca del rÍo muy cerca de...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Dec 22, 2015
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patricia's green shadow from 455 patricia's green shadow from 455 fell st. >> ominous commissioner buell it'll standing for a moment while i talk with his new director. >> powerpoint. good morning, commissioners. jordan has of recreation and park. with two projects before you today that have introducing shadow effects on patricia's green. the first is for 55 fell. the formal housing project. some quick background on why were considering this today. as you remember, the semi-ordinance proposition cedillo was adopted in 1984. was called in the planning code and the joint commission of the recreation and parks provided guidance for future consideration of shadow effects in 1989 and 87, which included introducing the concept of theoretically annually available sunlight as a way to evaluate the effects of shadow on parks. this map shows you where the proposed project we are considering is relative to patricia's green. it's one block south west of the park. here is a quick illustration of the project from hickory street. this mapco straits the central freeway parcels and point out which parcel
patricia's green shadow from 455 patricia's green shadow from 455 fell st. >> ominous commissioner buell it'll standing for a moment while i talk with his new director. >> powerpoint. good morning, commissioners. jordan has of recreation and park. with two projects before you today that have introducing shadow effects on patricia's green. the first is for 55 fell. the formal housing project. some quick background on why were considering this today. as you remember, the...
Dec 14, 2015
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i'm patricia sagba. the news continues with del walters. president obama is expected to speak from the white house about the fight against isil. >> we want freedom, freedom! >>...and what america can learn from chicago's ongoing gun violence. >> isil set to speak on national security soon as he tries to ease the nation's fears over potential threats. >>> closing arguments in baltimore, the jury could soon have the case of the first officer tried in the death of freddie gray. >>> new restrictions on operating drones. and the shake up ahead of tomorrow night's g.o.p. debate. >> you're looking live right now. that's the pentagon briefing room. that's where president obama
i'm patricia sagba. the news continues with del walters. president obama is expected to speak from the white house about the fight against isil. >> we want freedom, freedom! >>...and what america can learn from chicago's ongoing gun violence. >> isil set to speak on national security soon as he tries to ease the nation's fears over potential threats. >>> closing arguments in baltimore, the jury could soon have the case of the first officer tried in the death of...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Dec 29, 2015
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patricia's green shadow from 455 patricia's green shadow from 455 fell st. >> ominous commissioner buell it'll standing for a moment while i talk with his new director. >> powerpoint. good morning, commissioners. jordan has of recreation and park. with two projects before you today that have introducing shadow effects on patricia's green. the first is for 55 fell. the formal housing project. some quick background on why were considering this today. as you remember, the semi-ordinance proposition cedillo was adopted in 1984. was called in the planning code and the joint commission of the recreation and parks provided guidance for future consideration of shadow effects in 1989 and 87, which included introducing the concept of theoretically annually available sunlight as a way to evaluate the effects of shadow on parks. this map shows you where the proposed project we are considering is relative to patricia's green. it's one block south west of the park. here is a quick illustration of the project from hickory street. this mapco straits the central freeway parcels and point out which parcel
patricia's green shadow from 455 patricia's green shadow from 455 fell st. >> ominous commissioner buell it'll standing for a moment while i talk with his new director. >> powerpoint. good morning, commissioners. jordan has of recreation and park. with two projects before you today that have introducing shadow effects on patricia's green. the first is for 55 fell. the formal housing project. some quick background on why were considering this today. as you remember, the...
Dec 10, 2015
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patricia hurtado nos explica. patricia: ocurre todos los aÑos.puede que vayan a la calle en bÚsqueda de estos paquetes. patricia todos los aÑos en estados unidos 23 millones de paquetes son robados antes de que sus dueÑos legÍtimos los vean salir. >> desde el dÍa de acciÓn de gracias hasta nochebuena el correo nacional va a procesar aproximadamente 600 millones de piezas. patricia: las compaÑÍas ofrecen otras opciones para la entrega presionar.--tradicional. los clientes pueden elegir. los inspectores dicen que si usted estaba esperando un paquete debe comunicar esta informaciÓn con algÚn vecino o familiar para que su paquete no quede sin atender. ademÁs el pÚblico cuenta con mÁs presencia policial, por las proporciones de amenazas terroristas segÚn nos dijo el inspector. >> no son niveles normales. >> ramÍrez dice que las ramas uniformadas y cubiertas del servicio seguirÁn en las calles a lo largo de la temporada navideÑa. julio cÉsar: la corte suprema de justicia por segunda oportunidad considerarÁ el caso de la acciÓn afirmativa que afectarÍa
patricia hurtado nos explica. patricia: ocurre todos los aÑos.puede que vayan a la calle en bÚsqueda de estos paquetes. patricia todos los aÑos en estados unidos 23 millones de paquetes son robados antes de que sus dueÑos legÍtimos los vean salir. >> desde el dÍa de acciÓn de gracias hasta nochebuena el correo nacional va a procesar aproximadamente 600 millones de piezas. patricia: las compaÑÍas ofrecen otras opciones para la entrega presionar.--tradicional. los clientes pueden...
Dec 3, 2015
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westbound out of the city to the king of patricia area the blue route. that's about 12 minutes. so you are good to go. taking a look at our drive times, in pennsylvania, 95 southbound between wood haven and the vine, that will take you 13 minutes. the blue route is looking free and clear between 76 and 95. an update to tell you from new jersey transit, the princeton shuttle service is suspended due to mechanical problems. they have a bus shuttling passengers in its place. a principal in philadelphia is facing his own discipline. we'll tell you about the hallway confrontation with the student. we'll explain what is next. plus, riding the rails. what is happening today that could lead to future train trips to the ring of patricia. . >> 5:42. police say two suspects died in a police gun battle following yesterday's mass shooting in san bernardino. one is syed farook. investigators say he and a woman opened fire at a holiday party killing 14 people, injuring 17. police say farook who worked for the health department left that party before returning with malik. residents say the two
westbound out of the city to the king of patricia area the blue route. that's about 12 minutes. so you are good to go. taking a look at our drive times, in pennsylvania, 95 southbound between wood haven and the vine, that will take you 13 minutes. the blue route is looking free and clear between 76 and 95. an update to tell you from new jersey transit, the princeton shuttle service is suspended due to mechanical problems. they have a bus shuttling passengers in its place. a principal in...
Dec 23, 2015
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i'm patricia sabga.his morning millions of americans are taking to the sky, the road, and the rails, trying to get to their holiday destinations. this is a live look at the crowded sky right now from flightaware.com, but many travelers could be seen delayed from severe weather. today is the worst day for holiday travel, so expect traffic jams and exceptionally long lines at the airport, and be prepared to wait if you are just now starting that christmas get away. del walters has more on the dangerous weather. >> reporter: interest busy travel holiday week started off wet for many people. and it's not getting any better. more than 100 million travelers will hit the road over the next two weeks, more than ever before. and they will have to keep an eye on the sky just as much as they do the road. fog may have lead to this crash in arkansas, killing at least three people. across parts of the west, snow is so heavy, it is slowing a search and rescue mission in washington state. officials had to suspend the se
i'm patricia sabga.his morning millions of americans are taking to the sky, the road, and the rails, trying to get to their holiday destinations. this is a live look at the crowded sky right now from flightaware.com, but many travelers could be seen delayed from severe weather. today is the worst day for holiday travel, so expect traffic jams and exceptionally long lines at the airport, and be prepared to wait if you are just now starting that christmas get away. del walters has more on the...
Dec 24, 2015
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patricia is a journalist, and marie, patricia has quite a great deal of experience with you and agencies in multilateralism. i hope you will get to sprinkle your own insights regarding that. patricia: that will have to wait for the questions and answers, because i have been tasked to read lauren's speech. lauren, if you are watching, i'm sorry, i will try to maintain your voice as much as possible, so without much ado, i will go on. -- she is here in spirit. when does the violation of women's bodies coming redline? how many millions of lives must be ruined for we consider that a redline? i'm not talking about the random acts of violence that systemize the use of rape and relation undertaken by armed forces or militant controlled by governments and our position in another on state actors? i'm talking about a policy of targeting women and girls to some of the most part behind abuses conceived. years ago this week i became angry. i had been tracking sexual violence in the syrian war and received a policy response. cases piled up along with the bodies and the response was nil. now suddenly p
patricia is a journalist, and marie, patricia has quite a great deal of experience with you and agencies in multilateralism. i hope you will get to sprinkle your own insights regarding that. patricia: that will have to wait for the questions and answers, because i have been tasked to read lauren's speech. lauren, if you are watching, i'm sorry, i will try to maintain your voice as much as possible, so without much ado, i will go on. -- she is here in spirit. when does the violation of women's...
Dec 28, 2015
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many like patricia have struggled with methamphetamine addictions. >> i'm here for failure to enroll in a drug program. they put a warrant out for my arrest. i may be considered the only 6'3" small girl in sacramento, i think. it's harder to hide. so i really don't. >> there is one thing that makes her stand out from the crowd. >> she also does a funnely trick with her eyes.y trick with her eyes. >> you want to wake up to this? come on. thank you. you want to be a felon? >> i've known her probably about four years. i've seen her on and off throughout the years working at this facility here. she's always usually been an inmate worker. she has the heart to where she wants to help people. it's not something we see a lot. >> i love my job. just to be able to be out. a personal relationship with staff. we get to build a trust. takes my mind off being in jail. i should reflecting on my crime. >> inmate workers are not paid, but they do get extra meals, which patricia says is compensation enough. >> these are all mine? yeah. >> some eat a lot more than other breeds of life. i guess it's a d
many like patricia have struggled with methamphetamine addictions. >> i'm here for failure to enroll in a drug program. they put a warrant out for my arrest. i may be considered the only 6'3" small girl in sacramento, i think. it's harder to hide. so i really don't. >> there is one thing that makes her stand out from the crowd. >> she also does a funnely trick with her eyes.y trick with her eyes. >> you want to wake up to this? come on. thank you. you want to be a...
Dec 29, 2015
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patricia as to have well. why? all, because she is the co-author of this wonderful book which i hope you will get and read. it is pretty interesting and it ofa very unique compendium past accomplishments, future challenges, and present endeavors. want to lead off with our three panelists. with some of the questions that to valerie posed when she brought us together. at wanted our panel to look the question, when we are considering a state foreign policy that would really take it seriously the cause of women and girls, what should that policy look like? what would look different? what would our priorities be? who would our allies he or not be? what would our red lines look like. we, following michele flournoy's presentation, how do we do that lansing act of -- balancing act of the separate entities to get us from point a to point b versus the ultimate goal of integrating women's issues in all sectors of our dimity and the mantra for mainstreaming. how do we close the gaps? how do we close the gap between rhetoric an
patricia as to have well. why? all, because she is the co-author of this wonderful book which i hope you will get and read. it is pretty interesting and it ofa very unique compendium past accomplishments, future challenges, and present endeavors. want to lead off with our three panelists. with some of the questions that to valerie posed when she brought us together. at wanted our panel to look the question, when we are considering a state foreign policy that would really take it seriously the...
Dec 4, 2015
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ore, patricia arquette or cate blanchett? >>> i think there is time to hibernate, regroup. >> heather has lots more to say about vicki's scandal. plus, selena gomez done talking about ex-boyfriend justice continue tin justin bieber and why is ready to date an olderman. and keith urban opens up about his father who is now in hospice care. it's all on www.etonline.com. >>> have you guessed the answer to tonight's birthdays? for roles in historicalmovies? >> it's fun. sometimes you don't realize how far we've come from a certain period of time until you revisit it that way. >> that is julianne moore and talking about her role in "boogie nights". >> packers taking on lions, thursday night football on the nfl network. >> big news for the new girl. they celebrate they're 100th anniversary. she has a lot to celebrate. she became a m july. >> i'm in love with my baby. >> new girl kicks off-season five on january 5th. take care, everybody. it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- who all want to get online. so it's the
ore, patricia arquette or cate blanchett? >>> i think there is time to hibernate, regroup. >> heather has lots more to say about vicki's scandal. plus, selena gomez done talking about ex-boyfriend justice continue tin justin bieber and why is ready to date an olderman. and keith urban opens up about his father who is now in hospice care. it's all on www.etonline.com. >>> have you guessed the answer to tonight's birthdays? for roles in historicalmovies? >> it's fun....
Dec 19, 2015
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best friend patricia. i love her with all my heart and then all my guts. she's a woman of great faith and courage living her childhood dream of saving lives. a true georgia peach. brilliant, brave, and never too busy to text with me throughout the day. most women are lucky enough to marry man who's loving and i've been blessed with the best of both worlds. my husband's sister works so hard. >> the husband's sister is the best friend! >> she's my sister-in-law, my sis ner in love. i love her so much. i couldn't do life without her. >> oh, my god, and you're going to have a baby, probably on our show! >> i told that baby -- >> she's a doctor. so it's okay. >> you can deliver. >> all right. and finally, we have tiffany and shelly from louisiana. >> with a husband and four kids, i don't get much me time anymore, but die try to hang with my friend shelly at least once a week. we have been on each other's porches and talk about everything under the sun. with all that porch therapy, we have shared so much. she go
best friend patricia. i love her with all my heart and then all my guts. she's a woman of great faith and courage living her childhood dream of saving lives. a true georgia peach. brilliant, brave, and never too busy to text with me throughout the day. most women are lucky enough to marry man who's loving and i've been blessed with the best of both worlds. my husband's sister works so hard. >> the husband's sister is the best friend! >> she's my sister-in-law, my sis ner in love. i...
Dec 28, 2015
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ana patricia: excelente.lly: aquÍ les tengo el video del dÍa porque se trata del hijo de zuleyka, nuestra amiga de la casa cuando abriÓ sus regalos de navidad, vamos a verlo. ♪ ♪ wow! (gritos) duro, duro, duro! wow! (gritos) johnny: ahÍ estÁ, sebastian saltas de la emocional recibir sus regalos de navidad, zuleyka dice amo la inocencia de los niÑos, sebastiÁn emocionado por
ana patricia: excelente.lly: aquÍ les tengo el video del dÍa porque se trata del hijo de zuleyka, nuestra amiga de la casa cuando abriÓ sus regalos de navidad, vamos a verlo. ♪ ♪ wow! (gritos) duro, duro, duro! wow! (gritos) johnny: ahÍ estÁ, sebastian saltas de la emocional recibir sus regalos de navidad, zuleyka dice amo la inocencia de los niÑos, sebastiÁn emocionado por
Dec 18, 2015
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patricia. >> oh, my god, i'm so excited. and kathy and shelly. >> and where are you from? >> virginia. >> atlanta. >> louisiana. >> okay. we are going to be talking to all of you guys in a minute, but fi check o story of kara and nicole. >> my besty nicole has been there for me quite literally through the thick and the thin. she has personally helped me to lose nearly 100 pounds, and held my hand every step of the way. nicole has always been there for me me, and treated me with the same amount of size. she deserves a trip to new york city followed by a surprise girls' trip. we have so much to celebrate. nicole's constant loyalty, our friendship and my size. >> oh, my gosh. >> how long did it take you the way? >> eight months. crying. >> and now we have to patricia. >> okay. >> let me tell you about my best friend patricia. i love her with all of my heart and then with all of my gut. she is a woman of all grace and courd living her childhood dream saving lives as a physician. a true georgia peac
patricia. >> oh, my god, i'm so excited. and kathy and shelly. >> and where are you from? >> virginia. >> atlanta. >> louisiana. >> okay. we are going to be talking to all of you guys in a minute, but fi check o story of kara and nicole. >> my besty nicole has been there for me quite literally through the thick and the thin. she has personally helped me to lose nearly 100 pounds, and held my hand every step of the way. nicole has always been there for...
Dec 30, 2015
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. >> i want to bring in patricia stoier now. she was a jane doe in the pennsylvania case.ed that she was drugged and raped by bill cosby. patricia, first of all, thanks so much for joining me. kate's going to stick around here as well. first of all, just your general reaction to what we saw play out over the past few hours. >> well, as kate said, it's been a highly emotional day for me and i'm sure for all the other women involved. i didn't get to see some of the televised footage of mr. cosby being brought to court or fingerprinted, but i heard about it from some of the other women. >> well, you can see it right now, patricia, if you look at the left side of the monitor there, i'm sure you can see this video coming in. that's bill cosby walking in to the courthouse. patricia, you and i, we should be clear, we spent time together back in august when i spoke with other accusers as well. >> that's right. >> and you joined us as part of that group, that small group of 13 women who, to remind people, ten years ago, agreed to support andrea constand, the woman at the center of
. >> i want to bring in patricia stoier now. she was a jane doe in the pennsylvania case.ed that she was drugged and raped by bill cosby. patricia, first of all, thanks so much for joining me. kate's going to stick around here as well. first of all, just your general reaction to what we saw play out over the past few hours. >> well, as kate said, it's been a highly emotional day for me and i'm sure for all the other women involved. i didn't get to see some of the televised footage...
Dec 17, 2015
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---patricia fue un fenmeno tan rpido que los usuarios buscaban informacin inmediatamente en internet, temas que mas interes tuvo en 2015 fueron los memes... que con una imagen hacen gracias de cualquier acontecimiento nacional o internacional. cesar ---que les parece si ahora pasamos con gabriela delln para que nos diga lo que podemos esperar de las temperaturas en los pr'oximos das... adelante, gabriela... gabriela facebook amigos tengan todos muy buenas noches y sean cordialmente bienvenidos a noticiero telemundo 48 . enseguida les comparto la informacion meteorologica del dia de hoy. como usted ve en su pantalla aqui tenemos las siguientes condiciones climatologicas: ================= ponga atencion porque a continuacion le muestro las temperaturas para las principales ciudades del area de la bahia: san jose: 55 oakland: 57 san francisco:58 napa: 57 dublin: 56 ================= el pronostico extendido para los proximos cinco dias: san jose miercoles:58 jueves:61 viernes:63 sabado:55 domingo: 59 san francisco miercoles:57 jueves:59 viernes:60 sabado:56 domingo:57 vo/cesar --- una co
---patricia fue un fenmeno tan rpido que los usuarios buscaban informacin inmediatamente en internet, temas que mas interes tuvo en 2015 fueron los memes... que con una imagen hacen gracias de cualquier acontecimiento nacional o internacional. cesar ---que les parece si ahora pasamos con gabriela delln para que nos diga lo que podemos esperar de las temperaturas en los pr'oximos das... adelante, gabriela... gabriela facebook amigos tengan todos muy buenas noches y sean cordialmente bienvenidos...
Dec 18, 2015
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> let me tell you about my best friend patricia. and then with all of my gut. she is a woman of all grace and courd living her childhood dream saving lives as a physician. a true georgia peach, brilliant and brave and never too busy to text with me throughout the day. most women are lucky enough to y a man who is loving and supportive, but i have been blessed with best of whole world, because my husband's best person is my best friend. >> she is my sister n-in-law, and my sister in love and i love herucher. >> and you are going to be having a baby, oh, my gosh, probably on our i told that baby not before. >> it is okay, i'm a docktor, so i can deliver. >> and now, we have and shelly from louisiana. >> with a husband and four kids, i don't get much me-time anymore, but i do try to hang with my best friend shelly at least once a week. we sit on each other's porches and talk about everything under the sun. we call it porch therapy. shelly and i shared so much over the last year and half. she got divorce and turned the big 4-0 and becam
> let me tell you about my best friend patricia. and then with all of my gut. she is a woman of all grace and courd living her childhood dream saving lives as a physician. a true georgia peach, brilliant and brave and never too busy to text with me throughout the day. most women are lucky enough to y a man who is loving and supportive, but i have been blessed with best of whole world, because my husband's best person is my best friend. >> she is my sister n-in-law, and my sister in...
Dec 18, 2015
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((patrick walker)) senator patricia farley says she believes adjourning and taking the time to get the amendments written is the right call... but she says she didn't expect to see an issue like this in the bill. ((sen. am surprised, and i would have hoped that some of this would have been sorted out prior to getting here, but heck, this is the legislature, this is what happens, right?")) ((patrick walker/reporting: "some lawmakers have pushed their flights back until saturday in case the session runs long. we'll see how it all plays out. in carson city, outside the state capitol, patrick walker, 8 news now.")) ((dave courvoisier)) lawmakers will be back to work mid- morning tomorrow. the assembly's bill... which covers workforce development... is expected to see a vote tomorrow morning as well. /// ((dave courvoisier)) > as we reported last night, the las vegas review- journal's staff cracked the case of who their mysterious new owners are... that would be the family of billionaire casino mogul sheldon adelson.
((patrick walker)) senator patricia farley says she believes adjourning and taking the time to get the amendments written is the right call... but she says she didn't expect to see an issue like this in the bill. ((sen. am surprised, and i would have hoped that some of this would have been sorted out prior to getting here, but heck, this is the legislature, this is what happens, right?")) ((patrick walker/reporting: "some lawmakers have pushed their flights back until saturday in case...
Dec 18, 2015
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patricia farley/r-las vegas: "it's pretty huge, and there's not a lot of agreement, which is why from our caucus side, we're very happy that senator goicoechea stepped up.")) ((patrick walker)) rural lawmakers have been worried for a long time about any from one basin to another. which is possible under the proposed bill. critics say this bill would allow for speeding up the water rights allocation process. ((sen. pete goicoechea/r- eureka: "i just didn't feel it was appropriate , you know, we spent 120 days last session trying to get some water bills up, and here we are trying to deal with it in 48 hours and making some reaching changes to nevada water law.")) ((patrick walker)) despite his opposition... eureka senator pete goicoechea says he's confident that with the amendments... this won't derail the faraday deal. ((sen. pete goicoechea/r- eureka: "clearly, there's enough water in place, it's just getting the language right, and we're working on it.")) ((patrick walker)) senator patricia farley says she believes adjourning and taking the time to get the amendments written is the r
patricia farley/r-las vegas: "it's pretty huge, and there's not a lot of agreement, which is why from our caucus side, we're very happy that senator goicoechea stepped up.")) ((patrick walker)) rural lawmakers have been worried for a long time about any from one basin to another. which is possible under the proposed bill. critics say this bill would allow for speeding up the water rights allocation process. ((sen. pete goicoechea/r- eureka: "i just didn't feel it was appropriate...
Dec 31, 2015
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reportera: permitirÁ que vÍctimas como patricia resuelva sus casos sin mayores obstÁculos. >> o sea laenen que firmar si hubo un delito. reportera: gran cambio de los cambios se debe al reconocimiento nacional del capitolio de california, quienes han estado cerca de la comunidad se debe a la presencia de nuevos representantes latinos en el gobierno estatal. >> estÁ lleno de nuestra gente haciendo las leyes, son los jÓvenes de esos padres que llegaron sin documentos, que arreglaron y que sus hijos miraron sufrimiento de los padres. reportera: pronto recibirÁ su residencia legal. >> necesitamos a alguien mÁs y podemos trabajar por sÍ mismos. elena: la policÍa de chicago decidiÓ que los agentes portarÁn una pistola elÉctrica y ademÁs todos los policÍas eran entrenados para el uso de estas armas, antes del 1 de junio del prÓximo aÑo. el 20% de los policiacos estÁn preparados para utilizar pistolas elÉctricas. jorge: uno de los lugares mÁs temidos es el valle de la muerte ubicado en texas calificado como cementerio de inmigrantes ubicado en el condado brux y hasta ahÍ ese lugar fue donde ha
reportera: permitirÁ que vÍctimas como patricia resuelva sus casos sin mayores obstÁculos. >> o sea laenen que firmar si hubo un delito. reportera: gran cambio de los cambios se debe al reconocimiento nacional del capitolio de california, quienes han estado cerca de la comunidad se debe a la presencia de nuevos representantes latinos en el gobierno estatal. >> estÁ lleno de nuestra gente haciendo las leyes, son los jÓvenes de esos padres que llegaron sin documentos, que...
Dec 31, 2015
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reservation for patricia... patricias! this week's activities: boat tour, sightseeing, and horseback riding. wait a minute! has anyone seen patricia? >>> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, how can science help us keep our new year's resolutions? "the new york times" science columnist john tierney is in our toyota green room with simple strategies. >>> box office critics in 2015 talk about "star wars" phenomenon and other stories you shouldn't miss. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. >>> "syracuse post" standard says sprint and verizon to submit a refund claim. the company settled allegations of cramming earlier this year. that refers to putting unauthorized third-party charges on customers' bills. customers who beat today's deadline can get share of the 1 158 million dollar payout. >>> best loved cars on the road report is released. consumers were asked to answer which are the most testifying. tesla model s is number one and followed by the corvette and cai
reservation for patricia... patricias! this week's activities: boat tour, sightseeing, and horseback riding. wait a minute! has anyone seen patricia? >>> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, how can science help us keep our new year's resolutions? "the new york times" science columnist john tierney is in our toyota green room with simple strategies. >>> box office critics in 2015 talk about "star wars" phenomenon and...
Dec 28, 2015
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. >>: of hurricane patricia's howling winds >> reporter: hurricane patricia howled into the record booksoctober -- as the strongest hurricane ever! in just 24 hours -- patricia went from a tropical storm to a 200-mile-per hour, category 5 hurricane. the storm weakened -- before making landfall along mexico's west coast. >> vicki: californias' central valley is sinking faster than ever.experts say.due to the four-year drought and the heavy reliance on pumping of groundwater. and the repairs to the infastructure are far from cheap. according to the experts.they say the cost is "billions of dollars". repairs include a canal that delivers water supplies from the northern part to the southern part of the state and stretches of a riverbed undergoing historic restoration. officials say careful monitoring is a must.and that the sinking ground is not expected to stop anytime soon >> brian: look for mostly sunny weather through this week with cold mornings and mild afternoons. we're in a dry weather pattern until at least next week. here are the highest for today. for tonight because of the cloud
. >>: of hurricane patricia's howling winds >> reporter: hurricane patricia howled into the record booksoctober -- as the strongest hurricane ever! in just 24 hours -- patricia went from a tropical storm to a 200-mile-per hour, category 5 hurricane. the storm weakened -- before making landfall along mexico's west coast. >> vicki: californias' central valley is sinking faster than ever.experts say.due to the four-year drought and the heavy reliance on pumping of groundwater....
Dec 28, 2015
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patricia hearst is 19.iance were in her apartment last night when a woman and two armed men burst in, dragged patricia downstairs, threw her into the trunk of a car and drove off. >> the kidnapping may be part of a nationwide campaign of terrorism. >> it had been three days of false alarms until news came this this berkeley radio station had received what looks to be the first real message from the kidnappers. >> the overwhelming irony of the patty hearst kidnapping is that the most marginal of groups manages to pull off what is, after watergate, the biggest media spectacle of the decade. >> the kidnappers are members of a terrorist group that calls themselves the symbionese liberation army. >> it calls on them to unite into a fighting force. with the demands of the sla, death to the fascist insect that preys on the life of the people. >> we love you, patty, and we're all praying for you. i know those people. they have good ideals. they're just going about them the wrong way. >> initially, patty's kidnappin
patricia hearst is 19.iance were in her apartment last night when a woman and two armed men burst in, dragged patricia downstairs, threw her into the trunk of a car and drove off. >> the kidnapping may be part of a nationwide campaign of terrorism. >> it had been three days of false alarms until news came this this berkeley radio station had received what looks to be the first real message from the kidnappers. >> the overwhelming irony of the patty hearst kidnapping is that...
Dec 18, 2015
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((patrick walker: "how big of a contingent is there inside the room that's having a problem patricia farley/r-las vegas: "it's pretty huge, and there's not a lot of agreement, which is why from our caucus side, we're very happy that senator goicoechea stepped up.")) ((patrick walker)) rural lawmakers have been worried for a long time about any legislation that transfers water from one basin to another. which is possible under the proposed bill. critics say this bill would allow for speeding up the water rights allocation process. ((sen. pete goicoechea/r- eureka: "i just didn't feel it was appropriate , you know, we spent 120 days last session trying to get some water bills up, and here we are trying to deal with it in 48 hours and making some reaching changes to nevada water law.")) ((patrick walker)) despite his opposition... eureka senator pete goicoechea says he's confident that with the amendments... this won't derail the faraday deal. ((sen. pete goicoechea/r- eureka: "clearly, there's enough water in place, it's just getting the language right, and we're working on it.")) ((pa
((patrick walker: "how big of a contingent is there inside the room that's having a problem patricia farley/r-las vegas: "it's pretty huge, and there's not a lot of agreement, which is why from our caucus side, we're very happy that senator goicoechea stepped up.")) ((patrick walker)) rural lawmakers have been worried for a long time about any legislation that transfers water from one basin to another. which is possible under the proposed bill. critics say this bill would allow...
Dec 30, 2015
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. >> this morning patricia tweeted this picture with a caption, frozen in san leandro. not the disney version. with #abc7now. you can see your pictures on the air. >> we got great shots. but it is awfully chilly out there. we want to know what is going to happen for new year's day. >> we're going to be frozen. >> right. you can cuddle up to someone, did you see that? >> yes. it's true. >> it's going to be dry. right? this morning, mid-20s around napa. and freezing cold in many areas. this is a picture from golden gate park. you can see a frosty table. you'll see more frost in the morning so just be aware of that. we're going to see conditions once again dropping down near freezing in areas. this is a beautiful view of the eastern span of the bay bridge. dry for new year's eve and a wet pattern setting up for next week. tomorrow morning, not as cold as this morning but still, cold. dropping down to 28 in morgan hill. mid-30s in san rafael. 33 in san jose. you'll need to bundle up and be prepared. 5:00 a.m. wednesday, we're going to see cloud cover moving in. weak system,
. >> this morning patricia tweeted this picture with a caption, frozen in san leandro. not the disney version. with #abc7now. you can see your pictures on the air. >> we got great shots. but it is awfully chilly out there. we want to know what is going to happen for new year's day. >> we're going to be frozen. >> right. you can cuddle up to someone, did you see that? >> yes. it's true. >> it's going to be dry. right? this morning, mid-20s around napa. and...
Dec 30, 2015
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reservation for patricia... patricias! this week's activities: boat tour, sightseeing, and horseback riding. wait a minute! has anyone seen patricia? . >>> i like this one. 41 degrees, it is not feeling like summer out there at ale, we'll check in with vanessa on your forecast. right now the city is digging out after a major snowstorm, got 5 inches of snow yesterday, it is the first real snow event of the season, a real change from last year with town highway crews already clocked in 600 hours of over time clearing those streets. >>> looks so pretty out there. >> everyone is like, no. keep it there, some say. not everybody. >> not me. >> i dig some snow right now. literally. exactly. >>> that's not going to happen. we do not have any snow in the forecast we do have rain in the forecast early this morning we have patchy dense fog, there is a dense fog advisory until 10 a.m. and we also have the possibility for some patchy black ice out there this morningmainly north and west where temperatures are close and at that freezing
reservation for patricia... patricias! this week's activities: boat tour, sightseeing, and horseback riding. wait a minute! has anyone seen patricia? . >>> i like this one. 41 degrees, it is not feeling like summer out there at ale, we'll check in with vanessa on your forecast. right now the city is digging out after a major snowstorm, got 5 inches of snow yesterday, it is the first real snow event of the season, a real change from last year with town highway crews already clocked in...