and this is patricia. calderahead verses the department of building of inspection.3032-3034 jackson street. protesting the issuance on october 18, 2013, to nancy wong, alteration permit (response to nov no. 201317501; shoring plan and sequence of excavation up to 20' at perimeter walls; revision to bpa no. 2007/07/12/6583; reference to bpa nos. 2009/09/24/7633, 2011/09/21/5155 and 2007/07/12/6583) >> and we can start with the appellant. or the appellant's agent. >> good evening, i'm mike bowling, construction on behalf of patricia calderahead. >> in my brief i do not want to be redundant and so i have outlined what we would like to say but i would like to respond to their brief, which we received after of course, we filed our brief, page one of their brief states, they were on page one, they are appealing a permit based on financial reasons, not areasons pertaining to the building code this is a civil matter, and it is not related to the validity of the permit, however that could be true, i have done everything that i