and patricia devine is a professor of psychology at the university of wisconsin. we welcome both of you to the newshour. amrita, i'm going to start with you. i think it's safe to assume we all have bias inside of us. we're human. how do you define it? where does it come from? >> thanks, judy. it's a pleasure to be on. yes, i think you're right, judy. we soak bias in through the very culture we live in. for those of us in the united states, we get it from our families, our parents. we soak it in from media, television, news, books, our teachers in our classrooms, and we call it implicit or unconscious because it's done so subtly that we're not even aware that we're picking it up. by the time we're adult, we have these unconscious ideas or thoughts or stereotypes. if you were to ask somebody if they're racist or biased against a group of people, they may well say to you, no but they may well have these stereotypes. they might be something as small as thinking that all african americans like watered mellen or fried chicken or it might be something far more damaging o