erwin jose espinal >> fanny espinoza >> bridget ann esposito >> francis esposito >> michael esposito >> william esposito >> ruben esquilin, jr >> sadie ette >> barbara g etzold >> eric brian evans robert evans >> meredith emily june ewart >> catherine k fagan >> patriciat was 21 years ago on september 9 we celebrated his 30th birthday. we had a great night and a great day. we lost him tuesday morning. we always look back at that day and how much fun we had. we miss him as much today as we did 21 years ago. >> my grandfather joseph jenkins junior, we love and miss you so much. we with you -- wish you were here. >> patricia mary fagan >> keith george fairben sandra fajardo-smith william f fallon william lawrence fallon, jr anthony j fallone, jr dolores brigitte fanelli john joseph fanning kathleen anne faragher thomas farino nancy carole farley elizabeth ann farmer page marie farley hackel. douglas jon farnum john g farrell john w farrell terrence patrick farrell , joseph d farrelly , thomas patrick farrelly , syed abdul fatha , christopher edward faughnan faulkner, shannon marie fava, bernard d favuzza, robert fazio, jr, ronald carl fazio, william feehan, francis jude feely, garth erin feeney, sean b fegan, lee s fehling, peter adam feidelberg, alan d