lieutenant patricia jochnson, i your work with female soldier, how is the woel in the war effort per eached and were there any who worked in combat zones? >> not to my knowledge. and i don't think that when i was in washington, d.c. too much thought was given to the people over in korea at that time. we didn't have much mention of it in the offices. which was sad. >> did you feel the training was adequate for some of the sold qu iers that you worked with? >> yes, i think so. it was viktly administrative and we were also trained in the uniform code of military justice. didn't have to use it fortunately. but i don't recall take any of the people either if washington, d.c. or los angeles where i was later had had any tours in korea. >> we'll talk a little bit more about that in a minute. >> i would like to say one thing about the navy. when we were in pyongyang korea, we didn't have a neurosurgeon, so we got captain blood off of the repost. that was a hospital ship. so he was our navy surgeon. in pyongyang as the brain surgeon. >> thank you. captain taylor u.s. air force, did you feel t