"its just beautiful i too today and made a snow angel" patricia monroe has been waiting... "27:26 having fun playing with my blue toy 30" for the white stuff... " here comes another plow" she has to move...to make way for the trucks. "28:04 i do not want another ticket and i do not want my car towed again 28:06" the department of public works announcing an overnight snow removal operation for the city. it activates the four inch rule.. "if you see a four inch rule sign you can not park on that park on the odd numbered side of the street tonight by 11 pm. and on the even side by 11pm monday. night. so this is the odd side night martha wasserman and her husband making sure they're following the rules. "22:59 all the other parking restrictions are still enforced 23:00" because for these east siders, nothing can ruin their winter wonderland. "22:11 so it was happy memories" this is what you want to be on the lookout for. posted signs on the streets. officials say those are the instructions you should follow. if you do not see a sign, you can check your specific street regulations on our webs