the vote will be on a motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of patricia smith to be solicitor for the department of labor. i would advise senators that they should be here and vote. we are not going to extend the vote monday. we must finish the vote about 5:50. there will be strict enforcement of that. we have to finish for obvious reasons, because 30 hours starts running when we complete the vote. and if we go past 6:00, it's past midnight. we're going to make sure the vote is over at 5:50. everyone is forewarned if they're late they're not going to be counted as having voted. mr. president, we had a very successful week this week legislatively. i extend my appreciation to senators on both sides of the aisle, especially my friends on the republican side. there were no 30 hours used. we worked out extremely well. there was ample time for debate, and there were issues that were of concern to both parties. and, of course, the issues were important to the country. without blake the -- belaboring the things we voted on, i'd like to spend just a minute on two things. first of all, the