one, the former hurricane patricia unwide winding over the gulf coast region and pounding norms tonightdershowers and another hurricane that's going to affect our own weather but it will not be patricia. there's patricia that's over texas and louisiana tonight. but as we move our perspective to just east of hawaii see that red blot down there east of the islands chain. it's hurricane olave not marryly as big as patricia. fairly main mal hurricane not going to affect the hawaiian islands but could affect us by midweek because the bats path of this hurricane takes it to the north and east. it's going to be downgraded to a tropical storm by tomorrow morning at 11:00 and then a tropical depression by wednesday morning but it will inject enough moisture into the atmosphere and it will all guilty carried along and closer to the west coast. let me show you what's happening. first that's what it looks like tonight with the recommend fans of patricia, but we move it over to california and while we have high pressure that brings us sunny and mild weather on monday and tuesday perfectly nice tomor