we've got a book on the eichmann trial in israel we were able to get judge patricia wald who was on thewar crimes tribunal for yugoslavia. we've been able to get the leading constitutional scholar erwin chemerinsky to look at a first amendment book for us. we have just had a terrific rate on sprint people, just an example, pauline who has a wonderful book out about the ratification of the constitution is going to reviewing a book on the revolution by gordon wood. so we've really been able to get top-notch reviewers and it's an exciting thing. now everybody in this operation works for the same amount of money. nobody is paid and that includes our reviewers. this wonderful city people pitch in to create this conversation about the world of books, which is really what we're all about. >> and there has been a decline in traditional media preview of works, but online there is quite an active marketplace of reviewers. what do you bring to the table that is different? >> i think were going to bring the depth and quality of our reviewers. we also redoing features. we are going to have interview