listening to there and seeing, we have got an action packed breakfast show for you today on patrick christys emily carver. >> and this is gb news breakfast. >> well, just thought we'd start by saying. aidan, i don't know if you're aware of this, but. but you are in the presence of the 40th power couple. >> i read this. >> i read this. >> in britain. >> in britain. >> in britain. >> i was impressed. >> i was impressed. >> there we go. so? so there's nothing. there's nothing like waking up on valentine's day morning, is there? emily? every woman's dream to find that we are rock bottom of the country's power couple. >> yeah, but there could be hundreds of people considered for this, you know. >> oh. >> oh. >> yes, i know someone who works on the on the times top 500 rich list, and they consider thousands of entrants or possible just. >> to be on. »- >> to be on. >> the list. >> the list. >> just to be on the list. pretty chuffed. >> top 40 could be in quite a narrow percentage at the top. >> just clarify it's not the rich list unfortunately. unfortunately it's westminster power couples. >> so who else was o