i had lunch with patrick collison. founder of stripe. 100% was about ambitious plans. that is like the best possible office hours. >> how involved are you, jessica? >> i'm doing all of the same things i used to do. if not engaged in different things. i miss working with paul but i also love working with sam. >> sam was the founder of one of your first companies. people said he is not cut out to be you. >> it is a good thing. i was not cut out to run something as big as y combinator. he is better than me at this. >> come on, jessica. >> i was good to giving advice to founders. >> is sam going to be better? >> they're going to be different. sam brings a lot of things to the table that neither of us had. this amazing amount of energy and patience that is needed to broker deals with investors. y combinator is doing a lot of different things as a result. >> i want to talk about each of you and where you came from. your parents. >> my family came here from england when i was 3 1/2. and we lived in pittsburgh. my father worked in the nuclear business. when you design a nuclea