my name is patrick deborah, i'm the curator in chief of the elephant. i'm also a political cartoonist and are based in all right, so friend is this the very best that kenya can do in terms of the next president of kenya. these are likely to be the main candidates, rayleigh dinger and william router. is that the best, the cream of politics in kenya? patrick, you start? well, i don't think it's an issue of whether it's a beth. it's really all that we have to be quite honest. i think i look at who has the capacity to actually get elected, who's got the name recognition, who's been there long enough? who do people, who are the guys, people who gravitate to whether they are the best i would speak to that. i don't think they are, but when you look across the bridge, carina, i can say they that much better to be on. she can, your face is given your way, your face and that shaking of your head. tell us, well go ahead. i'm just like, i think we do saw elections to something i call and i'm sorry to say that it's a civil. well, we will decide to we are going to vo