. >> [laughs] >> patrick dempsey takes us back to porsche's roots. is that better than the emmy? >> absolutely. >> yeah, it is, yeah. [both laugh] i take a trip down the strip in a cadillac that's older than the strip itself. >> the fact that all the people that designed this car are dead... >> guess that's true. my friend jerry seinfeld and i... >> i am really enjoying this drive. >> have a ridiculous conversation that makes no sense. >> for example, you are original and unrestored, right? >> that's right. i've been wearing these clothes 30 years? >> yeah. >> and to change them, i would lose all my value. >> that's what keeps your value. >> exactly. [upbeat music] ♪ [funky music] ♪ the car i'm driving right now, a 1927 duesenberg model x. looks like a gangster car because it's got the low roofline, and it's quite stylish for the period. it's just a wonderful old girl. the duesenberg brothers, fred and augie, were independent car builders. they were really race car guys, but they built cars to support their racing habit. the nice thing about this car, it's all original and unrest