ewe bader for entrepreneurs in dominos. come in, they like it. they work there way up through the system and eventually buy a store and it's pretty great story. >> patrickker. i had a slice of pizza and it was great. although i have to admit it's the first time i've had pizza for breakfast since maybe college. nonetheless, what has gone particularly well with regard to your new menu? what are you particularly pleased with? >> most recently, we launched a handmade pan pizza. it's a $5 billion to $6 billion category that we really haven't played in. and so it's a big important part of the pizza industry. it's a terrific pizza. i think you've got some of them there on set and we're very pleased with it. so, you know, overall, we were always the speed guys, the convenience guys, and as we have fixed the quality of the food, it's brought in a new consumer for us. >> actually, patrick, i don't know if we have the pan pizza over here. why don't you send a few over for lunch. >> no, it's not like that any more. >> we have seen some franchisees talking about like a one franchise guy or two, you don't have to worry about the 50 employee obama care deal. but i fig