in between it is is a clown. >> they've tried to make the best of things with their neighbors, patrick gaskillfabian gomez. >> is that coming to my house? >> you better grab a bowl. >> a change is on the horizon. >> after graduating from one of the prison's educational programs, gaskill is about to leave the housing unit to spend 60 days in confinement for being caught with inmate-made alcohol. >> the sanctions i imposed on offender gaskill for making the intoxicates were a written reprimand, do not make or possess intoxicates. 30 days phone loss, demotion from credit class one to credit class two and 60 days disciplinary stay. it's a secure unit for segregation. there's an administrative segregation there, as well as disciplinary segregation. >> although the confinement unit is only an eighth of a mile away, for security purposes, all inmates transferred there must be escorted by two officers and transported by van. >> 60 days is just the beginning of summer, so i'm going to be missing this summer, this year's, you know, pretty much, you know, the best couple of months out of this year. but t