so let's talk about it with cnn political comment tayers mark lamont hill and ben ferguson and patrick gavincumentary tracing the evolution of the din sbeer a hollywood-style celebrity event. good to see all of you. let's start with the president. he definitely lapded punches that hit close to home. take a listen to this. >> i am happy to be here. even though i am a little jet lagged from my trip to malaysia. the lengths we have to go to to get cnn coverage these days. i think they're still searching for their table. msnbc is here. they're a little overwhelmed. they've never seen an audience this big before. let's face it, fox. you will miss me when i'm gone. it will be harder to convince the american people that hillary was born in kenya. >> i don't know about you but i'm glad to see he spread the jabs around. mark, did the president leave them laughing? >> i give him an a-minus and i think he's had better monologues in the previous years and set a great standard in the term and another awesome night. >> ben ferguson, what did you like or dislike about the president's remarks? >> you know,