and chicago sports fan, we lost derrick rose and patrick kane. david: carrie?an people lost when president obama vetoed the keystone pipeline. let's hope there's a way to override the veto or be able to export oil because that's how main street is going to -- david: okay, and the winner? >> winner, i'm down here in d.c. for cpac, i would say the conservative movement, they're the winners this week. there was a great slate of candidates that have been talking and presenting their platforms for economic reform. 2016, the democrats aren't looking so good -- david: well, we'll see. you gave me a nice segway to my winner. i think it's scott walker, by the way, because a lot of people have been looking at jeb bush. he's taking the money, bigger profile, but scott walker more a middle american kind of guy. for goodness sakes, he's a college dropout. you can identify with him. biggest loser, i've got to say, sears & roebuck used to be the mainstay of my family's buying -- my father even bought his suits there, for goodness sakes. even though they were up today, it look