, the police were quick to report they had their killers, amanda knox, raffaele sollecito and patrick lumumba. with knox and sollecito already in custody, they race out to arrest lumumba. >> they drag him out of his house and throw him in prison. he says, no, i wasn't there. i was in my bar, and there is somebody that can tell you they were there with me. they found his alibi, and it was a professor of french that said, yeah, i was in the bar with him that night. he wasn't killing anyone at 9:00. he was in his bar serving me a drink. they still didn't let him out, though. >> as the prosecutor built his case, the press had a field day and dug up everything they could about the accused. >> the british tabloids from the beginning were -- i felt by far the worst because they just printed whatever the prosecutor said, and he was saying all of these terrible derogatory things about amanda knox and portraying her as just pure evil. as this terrible human being who had this beautiful trusted roommate and had encouraged these men to help her kill her roommate. >> i was sexually active. i was not sexua