patrick martin genier, the author of a book titled towards the sixth republic, claims that france cannotiamentary democracy. he says in his book: the authoritarian elements of the fifth republic were established since its inception. it is a system of vertical power that essentially confiscates parliamentary democracy and allows the president to do whatever he wants. over time, this has become more obvious and its acceptance is less and we don't want it we could continue like this. unfortunately, après tragic accident, une exécution euh avec son froid d'un français, d'un adolescent français de 17 ans, par un agent de maintien de la paix, a vu en france a... vécu pendant une semaine dans des tragiques events, it's a true revolt, a revolt of misery, a revolt of poverty, and it shows that the french system doesn't work anymore, that the social failure, the economic failure, the political failure of the 5th république et surtout depuis l'arrivée de monsieur macron, n'a cessé d'accruitaire l'ultraviolence, donc a vu la violence de l'état par la police et la violence de la population qui manife