first, governor patrick rory speaking to reporters earlier today about the lawsuit and after his remarksll hear general counsel taking questions from reporters. -- governor pat mccrory. governor mccrory: good afternoon. our nation is dealing with a very new, complex and emotional issue -- how to balance the expectations of privacy and equality. most privatee , restrooms, lives locker rooms, or public shower facilities. this was not a north carolina state agenda. no one in north carolina was talking about bathroom policy until the charlotte city council imposed a mandate on private businesses. this mandate required, with potential penalty of fine, access to restrooms, locker rooms, or shower facilities be based upon one's gender identity or gender expression. a similar policy was rejected just months earlier by the voters of houston, texas by 61% of the vote. this caused major privacy concerns about males entering female facilities or females entering mail facilities -- male facilities. our state legislature believed this was an unnecessary government overreach into the private sector, im