paul wellstone, gordon smith, john porter, patrick kennedy, his colleague and his father. as time went on, they move on and we are not sure who is going to follow in their ways. congressman murphy has stepped forward to do so along with other individuals who are so gratefully working in this way such as senator stabenow and your cochairperson in colorado. and the neuroscience caucus. and so forth. we really have a chance to do something now, given the fact that an individual has the vision and courage and a platform to step forward to do so. i have some slides. as a researcher, you cannot talk without having slides for too long. i thought i would pick those up so you could follow along. it is not going to be easy. the reason is because our system of care, which is admittedly fragmented and expensive, is trying to adjust at least three distinct populations defined by type of illness, severity, and venue of treatment. the one that we hear most about and is the most urgent priority are the serious and persistently mental, schizophrenia, recurrent, psychotic depression. they a