phillip calvert: she goes-- patrick welch: right up here. phillip calvert: i don't see her. when it turns blue, it could be an entity because it's a lot colder. a lot of people notice when there's a presence around that everything gets cold. is it a lot of activity in this room? the majority of the haunting is in the bedroom up here. the alarm went off at like 2:30 in the morning to the sound of laughter. [giggling] and i woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a little girl whispering my name outside the window. and i remember standing up, and as i walked out, i heard her calling my name all the way out the room. - (whispering) mark. - bro. yeah, it was pretty scary. i would not stay in that house by myself, ever. the hair standing up on the back of my neck. doesn't it feel cooler? yeah, man, let's go over here. is there anyone here that would like to communicate with phil? yes. oh, hell, no. he said yes. this is the scariest paranormal thing i've ever experienced. and you just be living there. yes. savannah, she's been through a lot of trauma. absolutely, just l