the founder of the wilson center was the late daniel patrick moynihan who simply the will sony and idealging between academy and public policy. i'm paraphrasing but i think about the world is how you act in the world. we know in whatever realm we're in whether it's a private sector, public policy, the faulty conceptualization of the problem can have trillion dollar or horrific downstream consequences. we all come at issues from where we have come, and in some respects and i discussed with college you can view our current dilemma as a deterrent failure. back in the cold war windows consensus about the soviet threat we wrote basically a blank check to keep a small probability event of high consequence of low through nuclear deterrence. now we are addressing a high probability, high consequence event and as a society we can't get her act together to address it in a compelling way. .. we all walk around, we have smart phones, the technology that is were generated by the private sector, the way we live has been driven more by what's going on with dynamic companies like googles, apple, et cete