patsy cline, willie nelson and my brother was 12 years older than me and listened to 1970's rock and tavis: little bit of everything. how about you meghan? >> i grew up in new orleans. tavis: i knew what you listened to. >> i had soul influence and when i turned 14, my mom helped me put a band together and i started playing. i mean everything. dolly parton was my first love, aretha franklin and the music can make you feel something when you hear it. tavis: i mentioned the story at the top about how this thing really happened. >> we were doing a radio interview the other day and we told the story how we met in the karaoke sounds like a story that was made up. tavis: this town is good about creating lies and that's why i asked. that's how it happened? >> true. i walked into international in 2006 and i just got off work and i walked into this little place and heard this huge voice and i turned around and saw her and i could see clearly that she was a complete star. and god, this girl doesn't have a record deal. and i got the courage to walk up and put in a song and we hit it off. that's