patton oswalt, thank you so much, my friend. >> thank you, trevor, huai. >> >> trevor: thank you so muchut before we go america is facing a nationwide poll worker shortage because most poll workers are over 60 and covid is still in the air so understandably they are not showing up. but fewer poll workers mean fewer polling stations are open and it means longer lines and not everyone can afford to stay an wait in those long long lines especially in communities of color. the good news is most poll working pays and in some states you can be as young as 60 to do it. so if you are interested, and you have the time, this is your chance to protect democracy and get paid. sign up at the link below to learn more. until next week, stay safe out there, and remember, if i ask you for money on social media, send it to me, no, i'm joking, i'm joking, i will never ask you for money on social media, i will ask you in earn approximate, now here it is, your moment of zen. so shower head, take a shower, the water doesn't come out. you want to wash your hands, the water doesn't come out. so what do you do?