and all these years, the so-called civilized west has shown astonishing deafness to patu in relationent and his crimes. unfortunately, we are now dealing with a very, uh, peculiar composition of leadership in european countries that not only openly, but actually officially adhere to some kind of double standards. they are generally unclear what standards they adhere to. and we must do everything, everything that depends on. each of us, so that this sacrifice was not in vain, so that borya there in heaven looks at his colleagues, at his fighters, at our common fighters, at everyone at you and me, and is proud that we did not give up on this, we brought it to the end, brought to victory, i am a television reporter, what is it to correctly drive to the ribbon, the first advice that any experienced military correspondent will tell his novice colleague to ask himself the question, why are you going to the zone: but to be completely honest, he did not consider himself a war correspondent, he simply loved life even more, loved to talk about it, but what to do? if life is often filled to the